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Bread Rolls

John Doe

Ramadan brings a sea of festivities and a time to try new recipes. Every table is brimming with fried food items like rolls, samosa, kabab, dahi baray and pakoray.

Traditional Lasagna

John Doe

Who doesn’t want to eat their favourite choice of meat, dribbled with their favourite sauces and wrapped in creamy cheese layers of pasta?

Tikka Pizza Triangles

John Doe

Who doesn’t like Pizza? Whatever form it takes, pizza lovers will never get bored of it and always appreciate all the pizza variations that cooking gurus keep coming up with.

Pomegranate Mousse

John Doe

For all you dessert lovers out there, Pomegranate mousse can truly satisfy your sweet cravings and make you feel satisfied with its fulfilling taste.


John Doe

Ever tasted something so delicious that you wondered what’s in it, how it’s made, and what makes it so tasty?