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Bread Rolls

John Doe

Ramadan brings a sea of festivities and a time to try new recipes. Every table is brimming with fried food items like rolls, samosa, kabab, dahi baray and pakoray.


Traditional Lasagna

John Doe

Who doesn’t want to eat their favourite choice of meat, dribbled with their favourite sauces and wrapped in creamy cheese layers of pasta?


Pizza Sliders

John Doe

What to cook today? Look nowhere, think no more. Just put on your baking apron and pick up your whisker. We have got the best recipe for you.


Apple Juice Cake

John Doe

No meal is ever complete without a delightful, refreshing, and fulfilling dessert. And if it’s summer, then there is nothing like having your favourite fruit in the form of a cake.


Orange Glazed Cake

John Doe

Summer is incomplete without its refreshing drinks. After every meal, there rises an unquenchable thirst for a refreshing drink.