5 Best Natural Cough Remedies
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With the advent of winters, we often succumb to the weather change and suffer from dry cough. Upon doctor’s consultation, the medicines prescribed to us target these germs but sometimes we just want to steer clear of the chemicals and hence, our best bet is these cases are the natural remedies. Let’s have a look at the most effective ones:



It is not only the most natural form of sweetness but also soothes inflammation and provides strength to the body. You can consume two teaspoons on its own or mix it with warm water or green tea for an elevated effect.

Saline water gargles

This remedy works wonders on a scratchy throat. A gulp of salty water and gargles help break up the mucus that causes the cough. Be sure to mix a quarter teaspoon in warm water for the remedy to work and relieve you of any irritation in your throat.


Ginger infused hot fluids help to reduce dryness and soothe the irritation in your throat. Considered a popular traditional remedy, it is also used to treat an upset stomach and nausea. Simply slice an inch of fresh ginger root to make ginger tea and boil it in hot water for ten to fifteen minutes. Ginger tea bags also work well to cure a dry cough in winters.

Steam Intake

Dryness in the winter season can aggravate your cough. Inhaling steam helps add moisture to the air you breath in therefore, consider investing in a steamer for the duration of the cool season.


Consuming probiotics may not directly relieve you of your cough but aids in reducing upper respiratory infections and balancing your gastrointestinal flora which can support your body’s immune system. Be sure to consult your doctor for the right type of probiotic for your condition. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso and kimchi are full of probiotics which help to regulate your gut.