Must Eat Foods During Winters
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“Thhand hai, jamm jaoge!” is usually how our desi mothers show concern as soon as the first hint of winters arrive, regardless of where we’re geographically residing, regardless of how much the temperature actually drops. Out come the warm clothes and comforters from the top of the cupboards, and in go a variety of edibles on the grocery list that ensure warmth in this chilly season. Here are a few must-haves on ours:



Research shows that eating fish in winters proves to be greatly beneficial. For those of you who find breathing difficult, fatty acids in fish happen to increase the air flow in lungs, making it easier to breathe. Winter fish also reduces joint pain and protects your skin from getting dry.


Lesser known fact about eggs is that they contain zinc which has properties that help fight winter illnesses like flu and cold. Eggs are also high in protein which makes antibodies to prevent infections.


It is almost essential to have a spoonful of honey every day during the winters to keep your throat in check and protect it against all external threats. With a load of anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties, it fights illnesses like colds and laryngitis.


Cumin, cinnamon, sesame seeds, pepper and turmeric are 5 trusted spices that’ll keep you warm throughout the season. Cumin generates less heat but keeps you warm for long while turmeric and cinnamon are more intense and can be added to drinks too. Pepper and sesame seeds take care of respiratory illnesses including flu, bronchitis and asthma.


Little do people know that Ghee increases immunity and strengthens your bones. This easily digestible fat also protects your body against flu and common cold, keeping you warm and healthy throughout.

If you’re also jotting down a list of must haves for winters, don’t forget to have these too, for they’ll surely have your back just like those warm winter clothes!