How Many Types of Egg Fry Can You Make?
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Who doesn’t love eggs? They are the most versatile source of protein for your breakfast. Whip them into a delicious cheese omelette, or pair them with other foods like tomatoes or avocados; eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients to start your day with. An egg may look like simple food, but it can be fried in various ways, each method changing how it tastes. Here is a quick guide about frying eggs in 5 different ways.



The most common type of fried egg, sunny-side-up, is the type of fried egg with yolk on top. This type of fried egg is made by simply frying the white part of the egg, while leaving the yolk uncooked. In this method, you don’t flip the egg on the pan so as to keep the egg yolk uncooked and runny.  

Over-Easy or Half Fry

The difference between this type of egg and the sunny-side-up is flipping. While the yolk remains uncooked and runny, an over-easy egg is made by flipping the egg carefully so the whites are cooked from both sides, looks opaque but still a bit wiggly. The flipping of the egg has to be done meticulously so as to only allow a flimsy, white layer to cover up the yolk without cooking it. To achieve this level of transparency around the yolk, you have to flip the egg and leave it like this for only a few seconds, or else the yolk will begin to harden and the overall taste will change.  

Over-Hard or Fully Fried

You guessed it, an over-hard egg is the opposite of an over-easy egg. All the steps are the same, except that you flip the egg and leave it to cook until the yolk is hardened and fully cooked. Make sure you don’t leave your egg too long on the pan or else it will become overcooked and you’ll end with a rubbery egg white. 


The beginning of egg scrambles is the same. You break the eggshell, drop the liquidy content on the pan and wait for it to begin to cook. As soon you see the translucent liquid turning into white, you take a spatula and begin to fold and stir the egg. You’ll begin to notice curd forming up and the egg beginning to harden. Keep stirring and folding until the white and yellow part is all mixed up into an even yellow scramble. Alternatively, you can beat the eggs and then follow the same steps above. You can also add cream cheese or simple cheese to make them creamy and delicious. 

Classic Omelette

The most basic method of making an Omelette is whipping the egg in a bowl, adding a pinch of salt and then pouring it on a skillet. Leave it to cook for 1 minute or less, depending on the flame. Keep lifting the omelette from the sides to see if they are burning. Flip it, add a slice of cheese and fold it in half. Let it stay on the pan until the top turns slightly golden brown. Sprinkle coriander and herbs to serve.  Voila! You have now learned 5 different cooking styles for eggs. Time to give it a try. Happy cooking!