Know Your Cheese - A Cheese Guide
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We all love cheese. It’s the best form of dairy that turns every food into a heavenly treat and enhances the flavour of anything it’s paired with. The gooey goodness of a melted cheese makes any food it’s served with a truly appetising one. Pizzas, burgers, paninis, pasta, or lasagna - these foods will lose their real taste if made without cheese. A true cheese lover knows that there are more than one type of cheese, all different from each other in terms of flavour, consistency, colour, aroma, texture, and softness. Here you can learn everything about the cheese and its types.


The most common type of cheese, mozzarella, originated in Italy and was made using the milk of water buffalos. The mozarella brick or sliced cheese that we use today, however, comes from cow’s milk and is used to make pizzas and pastas.


Available in the form of slices or cream, cheddar cheese has a crumbly texture in the beginning which becomes sharper as it ages. Its colour varies from white to pale yellow, sometimes orange as well. It’s richer in taste than mozzarella, and is less stickier as well, when melted.


A rare form of cheese, emmental is made from unpasteurized cow’s milk in the central districts of Switzerland and is paired with fruits or vegetables to be eaten as it is. It has a sweet and fruity aroma as well as flavour. This type of cheese comes with bigger gas holes and quite resembles the cheese we grew up watching Jerry chasing in the popular cartoon “Tom & Jerry”.


Originating from the farms of the Netherlands, gouda is one of the most popular cheeses in the world and is named after the city where it’s first made. Richly flavoured and a semi hard cheese, it’s mostly served with beverages or can be used as a table cheese.


Feta is the most popular Greek cheeses for whose production, there are legislations by EU that no other cheese can be called a “Feta” except those made in Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace, Central Mainland Greece, Lesvos, and Peloponnese. It has a tangy and salty flavour and goes well with pastas and salads.


The type of cheese that doesn’t need any introduction, parmesan cheese is the most common cheese eaten all over the world. It has a solid, crumbly texture and has a very fruity and nutty flavour. This cheese is paired with a wide variety of foods, from soups, pizzas, pastas, to snacks and breads.

The above mentioned list is not an exhaustive one and there are other types of undocumented cheese types that are being manufactured in the dairy farms of the world. Know your cheese to get the best flavour out of your food.