Dry Fruits Cultivated in Pakistan
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Looking for a healthy snack while on the go? Look no further because dry fruit is your savior! Often consumed in between meals or when you feel a little hungry but don’t want to spoil your appetite, an assortment of dry fruits can really kill those hunger pangs. In winters, people tend to flock to the markets and load up on these treats. However, when consumed in moderation is when you can get the best results out of them. In Pakistan, due to the economic crisis, they are perceived as a once-in-a-while luxury which must be savored.
Let’s look at some of the dry fruit deliciousness cultivated in Pakistan:



Enriched with vitamin E, antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids, almonds are greats for enhancing cognitive function. It also helps to maintain blood cholesterol levels and aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels.


A popular dry fruit in Pakistan, it is extremely nutritious and is produced in the northern areas of Pakistan primarily Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa and in Swat, Chitral, Dir and Shangla districts along with Malakand agency.


A winter delicacy, Chilghozas are expensive but the taste is truly sublime. The peeling process can be tiresome by once you get through the outer coating, the dry fruit itself is absolutely quite enjoyable. Did you know that the Suleiman Range is home to the world’s largest Chilghoza forest but unfortunately, due to a lack of awareness among the locals, they have been cutting down the trees and using the timber to earn a livelihood. With appropriate practices and proper tools, the potential income that can be generated from the area can increase by a large margin.

Dried Figs

Locally known as Injeer, dried figs hold religious significance for Muslims. You can have it on its own or make desserts or jam from the same. They are produced in abundance in Pakistan and are overtly sweet in taste which makes them a perfect snack if you have a sweet craving during the day.

Full of nutrients, dry fruits tend to keep our energy up especially during the winter season. Which one is your favorite?