Nicer Dicer
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Nicer Dicer came into the market as a product of innovation and culinary advancement. Combining the functionalities of multiple kitchen tools for your convenience, Nicer Dicer is meant to transform the cutting, dicing, and slicing game for culinary enthusiasts. It’s a revolutionary, all-in-one food preparation station that makes meal preparation an easy, breezy process.

However, after gaining immense popularity amongst people, the product, once it made its way to the kitchens, became a challenge to use. What seemed like a one-for-all food preparation machine or station that would seemingly take the hassle out of the slicing, dicing, chopping and grating part of food preparation became a hassle. The reason is the complication of multiple, similar-looking functions of the station.

This article is meant to make it easy for you to understand the Nicer Dicer and master its use without facing any complications that would slow you down.


The Structure

This multi-purpose slicing and dicing kitchen tool comes with 12 different parts. A peeler, a grater, a chopper, a juicer, six different types of slicers and dicers, an onion cutter, and a container. The removable parts are designed to fit the top of the container, and an attached lid pushes the vegetable or fruit down to be diced, sliced, chopped, or grated.

The Use

As the name suggests, the use of this all-in-one kitchen tool is simple - to cut down vegetables and fruits in one fell swoop. You don’t need to buy separate tools to do all your chopping and cutting. This versatile product does everything for you. All you need to do is put the vegetable on top of the cutting mould, press the lid down, apply force to let the vegetable cut evenly and voila! You have evenly cut, properly diced vegetables in your plate.

The Benefits

With blades made from the finest GNOX steel, the Nicer Dicer can cut through any soft vegetable or fruit without you having to use a knife. It saves you from the hassle of cutting down and chopping vegetables or fruits in large quantities. The container can hold up to 3.3 litres, so you can keep working the dicer until it's full. Another benefit of this all-in-one tool is it's easy cleaning. All you really have to do is run its part under the water, and the food remnants just slide off of it without you having to use your hands for rubbing. If you want to cut onions, cucumbers, or peppers in large batches, this product is the way to go.

The Pitfalls

The one thing that makes this product a bit of waste is when you have to cut down hard vegetables like carrots into small pieces or slices. The blades only leave an indentation on hard fruits or vegetables, and you’ll have to manually cut them into pieces. Applying force on the lid to press down on the hard food is going to risk breaking the blade or, worse, injuring your own hands in the process. The dicer also doesn’t work on bigger foods like a gourd, zucchini, pineapple, or melon. You’ll need to cut them into small parts prior to dicing them using the Nicer Dicer.

The Takeaway

All things considered, if you regularly cut soft food in large batches and are tired of using a knife, the Nicer Dicer is your best friend in the kitchen. Happy dicing!