Staying Hydrated in Winters
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Feeling low and feverish in winters? You may very well be experiencing dehydration so pour yourself a big glass of water and remember, maintaining your hydration levels is essential for your overall health and wellness, especially during the winter months. While it may be easy to forget about hydration when the weather is cold, you are not sweating as much and not feeling thirsty, it is still important to ensure that you are taking enough fluids and here’s why:


  • Hydration can help prevent colds and flu. When your body is dehydrated, the immune system is compromised and is unable to fight off illness. By staying hydrated, your body stays healthy and is better equipped to fight off colds and flu.
  • Cold winter air and indoor heating may cause your skin to become dry and itchy. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
  • Hydration can help with dry sinuses which can be a common problem during the winter months, leading to sinus headaches and congestion. Drinking enough water keeps the sinuses moist and reduces the risk of these issues.
  • Due to the cool winter breeze, your throat tends to become dry and sore therefore, staying hydrated helps to keep it moist and eliminates any irritation.
  • If you enjoy outdoor winter sports such as skiing or ice skating, it is important to stay hydrated to keep your body performing at its best.

In order to look fresh and stay agile, keep replenishing your body with fluids throughout the day. Water is always a good choice, but you can also get fluids from other sources such as broth-based soups, herbal teas, and fruit and vegetable juices. Be sure to carry a water bottle with you so that you remember to stay hydrated.