Foods That Help Reduce Cholesterol Naturally
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The human body contains a wax-like substance called cholesterol. Its role is very important as it maintains hormonal balance. When the bad cholesterol overtakes the good cholesterol, it becomes a problem. High cholesterol increases the possibility of heart problems; here are a few things you can eat to reduce bad cholesterol naturally.



Oats are rich in fibre and maintain blood sugar levels. Having oats in breakfast reduces food cravings and helps you lose weight.


Clean protein sources include salmon, green beans, paneer, eggs, lentils, prawns, chickpeas, sprouts and kidney beans. Consuming protein and maintaining workout routine helps increase HDL levels while reducing LDL levels.


As we know, bananas are rich in potassium and fibre, which help to maintain body sugar levels and block cholesterol from being absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a group of compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help to control cholesterol. Excessive consumption can lead to high sugar levels, so balancing your consumption is essential.

Green Tonic Juice

To make this juice, all you need is cucumber, celery, mint and ginger. It helps to purify the blood and optimizes the functioning of the liver. Add a pinch of pink salt and drink immediately.