5 Best Foods For Fighting Flu
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Flu season is probably the only season where everyone blesses each other the most. After all it’s only decent to respond to an “achoooo” with a “bless you”, especially when someone is down with an incessant flu, that refuses to let them up. Raise your tissues and arm yourselves against the winter flu everyone…we must fight against the high fever, the brutal cough and the unstoppable sneezes without backing down and here’s how to do it:



Contrary to popular belief, Ice pops help in soothing your throat when it’s sore, dry or swollen. It helps in numbing the pain and provides instant relief along with keeping you hydrated which is key when you fight the flu.


Skinless poultry, beans, fish and tofu can be your best friends during the flu fight. Their protein is essential to keep your strength up while maintaining lean body mass which includes the muscles. However, flu can cause an upset stomach, so opt for low fat or lean options when it comes to protein.


Research shows that ingredients in chicken soup, together reduce inflammation and help in improving your immune system. It helps get the fluid and nourishment you need to enhance the recovery process.


History shows that in ancient China and India, garlic was used to treat respiratory issues while in the middle ages it was used to treat chronic coughs. Today it is believed that it may be helpful in fighting off the flu for it is known for its immunity boosting properties which are more beneficial when consumed raw rather than cooked.


Veggies including spinach, cabbage and kale offer immune bolstering, inflammation-fighting vitamin C. The iron present is essential for the production of white blood cells which help your body fight infections. They can be roasted, steamed and sautéed according to your mood!

So if you unfortunately end up being its victim, we hope this article helps you win against the flu and in return gets us your blessings too!