Kitchen Safety - A Comprehensive Guide
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Most of the time, people don’t consider the most important kitchen safety rules while working in the kitchen. They are either in a rush or too indulged in the cooking process that taking even the most basic kitchen safety measures slips off their creative minds. We have put together a comprehensive list of Kitchen Safety Rules that every cooking enthusiast should keep in their mind or place the list somewhere in the kitchen where they can see it and it serves as a constant reminder.


  • Keep checking for gas leakage and make sure that your stove knobs are working properly and your gas pipes have no puncture
  • Never let your kitchen be in an air-tight environment. Make sure that a window, a door or a ventilator is always open
  • Never light a fire without a gas check and always check your gas connections by smelling them for a leakage whenever you are lighting a fire after a while
  • Store knives and sharp objects in a drawer and make sure they are out of the reach of children
  • Never cook in loose clothes and keep long hair tied back so you don’t accidentally catch fire or drop hair in the food
  • Never cook while wearing dangling jewellery as a bracelet can get tangled around pot handles
  • Turn pot handles away from the front of the stove. Children can’t grab them and adults can’t bump into them if they’re out of the way
  • Don’t let temperature-sensitive foods sit out in the kitchen. Raw meat, fish, and certain dairy products can spoil quickly, so refrigerate or freeze them right away
  • Wipe up spills immediately and keep the floor dry so that no one slips and falls
  • Separate raw meat and poultry from other items whenever you use or store them to avoid cross-contamination of harmful bacteria from one food to another
  • Wash your hands before handling food and after handling meat or poultry. Hands can be an easy carrier of bacteria
  • Get a fire extinguisher for your kitchen and make sure you know how to use the extinguisher before a fire breaks out