Four Ways To Use A Lemon
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They say when life throws you lemons, you make a lemonade out of them. We say, let’s take those lemons and use them in five distinct and useful ways in your kitchen. If you end up with a lot of lemons one day and don’t have anything in mind for their proper use, follow this guide to learn how to use lemons for good use. We have multiple culinary as well as non-culinary uses in mind for that fragrant citrus fruit’s better uses.

For Cooking

Lemons are essential in Pakistani kitchens. From making lemonades, sweet drinks, and detox waters to using it in marinades and as seasonings, lemon is a staple of the culinary arts. Their lemony, zesty, tarty flavour pairs well with chicken roasts, grilled fish, and seafood. They can also be sprinkled on steamed vegetables for a healthy snack. Here are a few recipes you can make with lemons. 

For Baking

Lemon may come off as a vegetable with nothing to do with desserts, but this citrusy delight offers a variety of uses for baked desserts. When combined with the sugary sweetness, it yields the best lemon tart you have ever tasted. Its peel can be grated and cooked in sugar syrup to be sprinkled on baked desserts.

For Cleaning

As if this magnificent hub of flavour wasn’t offering enough uses, we’ll surprise you with its superior cleaning powers. Just add a few drops of lemon in any carrier oil and you will get the best cleaning agents for metallic, aluminium or plastic surfaces. From using it for dishwashing, stain removal, or furniture polishing, to cleaning microwave or kitchen cabinets, you can use them around the house for a cost-effective, chemical-free cleaning.

For making Condiments

Lemons have been preserved and put to ferment in an air-tight jar to produce this tangy, sweet, and salty condiment to be paired with a variety of Pakistani dishes.


