Fire Safety 101 - How to prevent your kitchen from catching fire?
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Fire in a kitchen is a serious threat. The pages of cooking history are filled with the horrific incidents of fire hazards in the kitchen. In under a few minutes, your kitchen can turn ablaze and the fire can grow beyond your ordinary control. That’s why you need a proper safety system for your kitchen. Your home kitchens are usually not well-designed to deal with fires as compared to commercial kitchens. You need step-by-step guidance on how to make your kitchen safe from fire incidents. Read on to know about fire safety in a home kitchen.


Get a smoke alarm

First and foremost, you have to have a fire alarm or smoke alarm installed in your kitchen. Make sure that the alarm works by testing it multiple times before putting it to use.

Don’t leave anything on the stove unattended

Rule of thumb for using a stove in a kitchen. Never leave anything on heat unattended. No matter how pressing the issue is that requires you to move away from the stove, make sure you turn off the heat before you exit the kitchen.

Keep flammable items away from the stove

When you are cooking anything on a stovetop or any heat source, make sure to keep every flammable item as far away as you can. Flammable objects have clear labels printed on them which helps in identifying the risk. Also, keep everything that can catch fire away from the heat, like a paper or a paper towel.

Don’t wear silky robes while cooking

Put off dressing up in silk robes for later, when you are done cooking. Silk catches fire quicker than paper. Also, make sure your sleeves are not loose and dangling over the pot or pan. If the flame is high, a microsecond of contact with your clothes can catch fire and build up very quickly if the clothes are highly flammable.

Don’t turn the gas too high

When lighting up the stove, turn the gas valve just enough for the stove to pick up ignition. If you turn the valve all the way up to maximum gas, the stove will light up with high flames and you or anything else near the stove can catch fire.