Science's most useful invention of modern times, an Air fryer, is the best cooking staple to keep in your kitchen. If you are a food enthusiast and spend 10 hours daydreaming about food but also care about not losing shape, an Air fryer is the ultimate answer for you.
Typical fryers use a generous amount of oil to fry food. But an air fryer, as the name suggests, is designed to fry food without using any. All your crispy fried chicken cravings are going to be fulfilled while you continue to stay on your diet.

The Use

Air fryers come in different styles and sizes, but the most common type of air fryer comes with a drawer in which you can place the food you want to fry. It’s basically a mini countertop convection oven that mimics the results of deep-oil-frying but not with oil. The hot air inside the fryer heats up the food and roasts it, making it crisp and cooked but not oily at all.

The Benefit

The biggest, most obvious benefit of an air fryer is its ability to fry food without oil. From french fries, mozzarella sticks, and cheese sticks, to chicken nuggets or even Samosas, you can make anything in an air fryer without a drop of oil. Aside from the most apparent health benefits, using an air fryer for cooking food is also environmentally friendly. A classic oven, microwave or even a pan full of oil heats the kitchen significantly. With an air fryer, your kitchen remains cool and clean.

The Pitfall

Even if you buy the biggest air fryer available on the market, it will come with limited capacity. So if you have to cook food in large batches, you will probably have to spend hours and hours to achieve that. Not to mention the electricity that you’ll be using to run your air fryer for hours. It could potentially have a big hit on your energy bill. Other than that, it takes up a valuable amount of counter space, if you own a small kitchen. And last but not least, an air fryer is not a reasonably priced kitchen commodity and can significantly poke a gigantic hole in your pocket.

The Takeaway

If you have a big kitchen, a bigger pocket, and the biggest appetite for fried food, an air fryer is your best bet. Go for it and never look back at the traditional ways of frying food. But for home cooks with everything on a set budget, investing in an air fryer might not be the most ideal choice, considering other ways of making healthy, less oily, and tasty food with the same results as that of an air fryer.